Three Reasons Google Might Be Serious About The Grid: ".... The company employs
Arun Majumdar, a former UC Berkeley professor and director of ARPA-E. Majumdar, who heads up the new group, is also world-recognized expert on waste heat, the kind of heat dissipated by servers and storage systems that with the proper technology can be reconverted into marketable energy. Coincidence? (Majumdar also came up with one of my personal favorite energy stats. The world uses about 10 trillion watts of energy a year, but it also burns up
15 trillion watts in to generate those 10 trillion watts.) Last month, the company announced the $1 million Little Box prize for inventors who can develop a smaller inverters. Inverters convert DC power to AC. While power electronics like this are applicable to datacenters, the opportunities may even be greater in rooftop solar, where any financial payoff will be more remote...."
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